And he complained to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about his limited hand and requested him to pray for an abundance of wealth for himself....And said when wealth comes...I will give charity...I will help the #poor.....He (peace be upon him) prayed...Allah gave this person so much wealth that at first he kept cattle in his own city.But they increased so much that he took up residence outside the city...and he became so busy with this wealth that he gradually left the Friday prayer.Then after some time he also left the daily prayer...But once when he (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sent the agent to collect Zakat...He replied that there is no tax in religion.When the agent came to the Holy Prophet with this answer, these verses were revealed by #Allah.
"ومنھم من عھد اللہ لئن آتنا من فضلہ لنصدقن ولنکونن من الصلحین. فلما اتھم من فضلہ بخلوا بہ وتولوا وھم معرضون. فاعقبھم نفاقا فی قلوبھم الی یوم یلقونہ بما اخلفوا اللہ ما وعدوہ وبما کانوایکذبون.(القران)
This is the summary of these verses...So now one of his companions told this Thaalba that these verses have been revealed about you.So, he came running to you and requested to accept the Zakat, but... the Prophet of Allah understood from the verse "فاعقبھم نفاقا" that Allah has put hypocrisy in his heart until the Day of Resurrection.
That is why the Prophet of Allah did not accept his property.This person came again during the reign of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique R.A. But he also did not accept.And he also came during the reign of Hazrat Umar, but he also sent him back...Hazrat Uthman did not accept...It died out during his...Now what is the purpose of this incident...There are many lessons to be learned from this.The first lesson that came to my mind was that the wealth that Allah has given to whomever, he was worthy of it.The same is the loss in case of more or less...This person should have asked the Prophet of Allah for blessings but...he asked the Prophet of Allah for abundance...The second lesson is that he took the rules of Islam lightly. and started making fun of him..And in the preoccupation with wealth, he forgot the prayers and also forgot whose prayer he got this wealth.We should be satisfied with what Allah has given us..and follow the commandments of Islam or not but completely avoid blasphemy...Mateen Ahmed, Rawalpindi Pakistan